The Inaugral Post

Greetings readers! I gladly welcome you to this enchanting and elegant  "Candid land" filled with a plethora of honest thoughts and opinions about the most varied topics which this supreme blue planet has to offer. Let us all release the restraint and together set off on this incredible journey. This being my very first post, I would begin with a topic which most people can relate to, Friendship.

If we peer through the pages of history, the most prominent notion which is adorned intricately in all the epics is the fact that the most monumental achievements that stand out  have never been accomplished through solidarity. There has always been a combined effort between individuals in order to ascend the ladder that leads to success. Take the example of the valiant Vietnamese troops that fought fearless battles against their oppressors. There was not a single stone left unturned in terms of the assistance provided to each other. Same is the case of the Indian freedom struggle when all the people embraced each other in unity oblivious of their respective differences, in order to fight back the oppression. But on introspecting these inspiring epics I realized something that is  not so prominent.

 Deep inside all the courage and patriotism, the true entity which merged the people was friendship. It is true friends who watch each other's backs and safeguard one another. Friendship is the key tool that enhances an individual's support when dealing with all forms of calamity. If a person lacks true friends, then its almost as if he lacks all form of support and strength. If we think about it, friendship not just makes people comfortable but also fearless. Even in the case of non-living things! Its like saying that if a person wants to learn to swim, then he or she might as well should befriend the water to understand its nature and very soon, the staggering discovery which the person makes is that the fear has suddenly vanished in thin air. In most forest ecosystems, all the living creatures exhibit an internal friendship with each other that causes them to coexist mutually. Animals display the art of friendship and harmony better than any other living creature 

But if we veer over to today's times, the friendship that was prominent in an era, has now relegated at a commensurate rate. The shrewd and cunning people who relish the opportunity of deceiving other people use the means of fake friendship in order to keep the other person bound in a spell. Most opportunists make friends only so that they can make good use of them for their selfish desires. The wolves in sheep's clothing pose as friends but are enemies from within. The harsh irony of all this is that the so-called oppression that existed in those times still thrives amongst us in the form of anger, depression, malice, arrogance and all such forms of negativity. A thousand such problems can be eradicated by the presence of one true friend. Those cheeky laughs and funny antics which exists between friends somehow programs their mind to stay away from petulance. Negativity doesn’t stand a chance in comparison to friendship. As a matter of fact, it's the only ship which never  sinks in any voyage! 

We humans have been endowed with the most advanced analytical capabilities so it becomes imperative for us to understand the need of friendship in the modern world. It is like a natural medicine for people suffering from depression. Insecure and fearful people having clandestine thoughts get a chance to open up with true friends. And amongst all, I’m forgetting the most important friend we possess, our self. A person who is at peace with his or her soul will never commit any  sort of crime or malpractice because the soul will caution the person in the nick of time. The advantages are simply limitless.

So lets all keep the friendship going and give a massive shout out to all those true friends who love and support each other!!

That was all for this post. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Stay posted if you want to read more such "candid" stuff. I will be back soon with more topics and chatter1

Signing off for now. 


  1. Very very beautifully worded understanding of the word 'Friendship'

  2. Very good topic on 'Friendship' Abhishek. Well written with a flow nd splendid language like a senior columist. Kp it up. Best wishes
    T G Lakshmanan.

  3. Very well worded Abhishek... And you have described friendship beautifully... Please do pen your thoughts more ... Would love to read more... Keep it up ... :)

    1. Thank you! Sure stay tuned for more

  4. Deep n insightful. Keep blogging! :)

  5. Abhishek.. you've put light on the subject which is usually taken for granted. Indeed a great insight. Very beautifully written. Keep it up

  6. GREAT ONE! Flawless language and captivating writing. Looking forward to future posts. CHEERS!

  7. Absolutely loved reading this. Beautiful word play...looking forward to reading more from you!

  8. Dear Abhishek,
    Your words belie your age! Wonderful read... thank you ❤️
    Deepika Tahiliani

  9. Fantastic flow of thoughts. I don't think, I can ever write so beautifully ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


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